Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010
ok..nk start kat mne...??
mase jawab last paper...
atau mase start holiday...
sye citew pasl mase last2 nk jwb exam dlu la yer..
mlm tu mmg xdop mood lps jwb pper GPS...
punye la dok au mnde goreng2...
mentang2 minyak dlm kuali penuh..ikot sumbat je nk goreng..
skali last2 melatop..pom..!!pomm!!>.
sebb daa telalu penat gn tenat...
disebab tekanan yg hampir melampau umpama gunung berapi..
apo gik....mls layam eyh.. g jalam ah..
alang2 jalan dok main doh boo batu pahat..
jb nungg..!! skeeetttt g n0k masuk singapore..
hahahaa2...mmg dok layam lasum paper hok last tu..
fuh~!! sapa bp kol 4..mmg dok agok staram..
dok leh gop..gane2 kne buke gop buku study..
study kat mekD lop..
cm mekd grand grand father sye punye jer...
lasum dok layam doh kiri kanan..
janji hafal teori...rumus2..calculation...
siap solat Subuh kat mekd..
mmg x ske ah..
layanan istimewa..
mekasey crew2 mekd sebb bg sy solat kat tmpt staf..
dlm kol 8..balik umoh..
punye la bengkok mate..pe mate burung antu..
sebb mmg dok tido smlaman..
tido laa..smpi ke zohor..
hahaha2.. =))
ekg kite sambung jalan2 lps jwb exm plop...
mmg hangimm..!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
~..SUSAH NYE...~
cmne nim..?
huh2...kalu fail cmne.. x larat nk repeat paper nim
0ohh~!!environment mngement..

x sangka..naseb malang menimpa..
ap yg diajar x masuk pom dlm exam..
daa hampir 6 bulan sye belajar..
yg disoal more kpd mngement..

ISO 4000, ISO 140001...?
Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974..?
cmna nim.. takotnye tggu result kuo..
bersrh pd Mu ya Allah...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
~..Dj Got Us Falling In Love..~
So we back in the club
Got our bodies rockin' from side to side (side to side)
Thank God the week is done
I feel like a zombie gone back to life (back back to life)
Hands up, and suddenly we all got our hands up
No control of my body
Ain't I seen you before?
I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
So dance, dance, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Keep downing drinks like this
Not tomorrow that let us rock now, now, now, now, now, now
Gonna set the roof on fire
Gonna burn this mother f**** down, down, down, down, down, down
Hands up, when the music drops
We both put our hands up
Put your hands on my body
Think I seen you before
I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
So dance, dance, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
In the cover of the music
Get n*** baby
I'm sorry chica
Better holla at Tyrone
Let him know how I jump through your foot loop
Scolla chico two can
We're from the blocka blocka o polaca
Were the boys get loose like wacka flacka
Oh no man, it's global
Was' up
Dale flacka
I wanna be your gyno, no not your doctor
Dale abre ai
Papa Nicholas baby
Let me see
Yo soi el cubanito
Que esta tostadito
Yo freco, no OK
Maybe un poquitito
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
So dance, dance, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
So dance, dance, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Gonna get you right
Cause baby tonight, the DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, thank you DJ
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
ho0oyey~..!!! jom jaln2 kat kota tinggi.. tp, kat mne tempat yg menarik.. kat sane org ckp ad water fall..betol ke..? tp kat ganu pom ade juge.. lalalaa~...=)) ok..let's check it 0ut ape yg ade kt kota tinggi..
Bandar Kota Tinggi terletak di laluan sungai Johor.... lebih kurang 42 km dari bandaraya Johor Bahru.. Hmmm~... aktiviti ekonomi utama bagi daerah ini ialah perladangan seperti kelapa sawit, getah dan pertanian lain di samping terdapat kegiatan lain seperti perikanan yang terdapat di pesisiran pantai seperti diTanjung Sedili...oOO~..de pantai jgak..=)). Aktiviti ekonomi yang lain ialah seperti perlombongan dan perniagaan.
Antara tempat-tempat beshh kalu nk relaxing and release tensi0n di mana yaa..?? hmm~. ade air terjun c0ntohnya kat Air Terjun Kota Tinggi..dari bandar k0ta tggi hanya 12 km jer.. (dlm 16minit kalu nek kete) keh3..~!!! pas2 utan lipur panti...waa~!!..=))
Selain daripada itu, sekiranya ingin melakukan aktiviti pendakiaan, Gunung Panti dan Gunung Muntahak boleh menjadi medan pertarungan...yessza~!! watch 0ut..!! i'll be there.. keh2.. yo yo 0oo je..haha2..
Pantai-pantai yang indah juga menggamit kehadiran pelancong... ad cm2 pantai kat snae.. kire nye pantai nim InsyaAllah blem mandi manda...yg femes, seme 0rg da tau pantai Desaru, Tanjung Balau, Batu Layar, dan Tanjung Sedeli... Jangan lupa berkunjung ke perkampungan org asli Kanaq di Kg Sungai Selangi satu-satunya petempatan kaum ini di dunia... Menarik~!!...=))
pe gik~!! bwk la teman2, adek2 kakak2, abg2, mak abah melanc0ng..!! hehe2.. nnt sye da pi, sy upl0ad pict yer.. X SABAR..=))
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pejamkan matamu untukku
Dengarlah dunia berkata-kata
Usah kau ragu di sini tempatmu
Walau berubah di mata kita tetap indah
Selagi kau masih percaya
Ketawa kecewa terpisah
Jalan yang lurus kian berhalang
Adakah semua ini yang ku inginkan
Ataupun hanya mengejar dunia semata-mata
Ku harap ku masih percaya
Adakah semua ini yang ku inginkan
Ataupun hanya mengejar dunia semata-mata
Ku harap kau masih percaya
Buka matamu
Biar aku memelukmu
Kita bersama masih muda masih mentah
Ku harap kau masih percaya
Selama ini selama ini
Selama ini selama ini
Selama ini selama ini
Selama ini
akhirnya ap yang saya ingin ketahui..
ketahuan jua..
dah tercatat disitulah tempat dia berada..
x tau nk ckp cmna..
gembira kah..? sedey kah..?
akhirnya bermonolog sendirian lagi...haha2..=))
tgh mengitung hari...jam..minit dan saat..
bilakah rezeki ku bekerja..?
gembira melihat kwn2 yg sudah bekerja..
lebih2 lagi yg da berkahwin..
lengkap sudah kehidupan mereka..
tp, bilakah giliran giliran sy..?
masih ad harapan lagi kah..??
atau sy yg masih mengharap..??
mudah2an Allah sentiasa mendengar rintahan sya..
dan sentiasa di sisi saye..
Ya Allah..Ya Rahman..Ya Rahim...
Jadikanlah hambaMu ini dikasihi pada hati-hati mereka yang beriman..
Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Mengasihani..
Thursday, November 25, 2010
sye ingtkn perasaan HARAPAN tu xad makna yg mendalam pom..
rupenya mmg sakit..
saye x sangka rupa2nya saya telah jatuh.. tp sy faham..dia bukan utk sye.. betapa baik nya dia.. begitu tulus nya hati dia.. kdg2 de sengaje sakitkn hati sye.. tp x tau la..sye x terase ppe.. bila de ckp de da temui seseorg dlm hidup de.. baru sy terase sakit.. cm segala perkara yg de wat sakitkn hati sya mula terase..
adakah salah sye..?? mungkin..dan sye tau sye x sebaik..dan sye x layak..
tapi sy pn ade perasaan jugk.. huhu.. sy harapa sgt bia la sye terpikat pd seseorg kerana akhirat.. tp apakan daya, sye x layak memiliki de.. sye cume duduk..dan mendengar..dan mendengar..walaupun terpakse berpura2.. dengan setiap kata2 dr saya..
huhu2..asalkan de bahagia..itu yg lebih penting.. dan dia mesti bahagia..mesti bahagia.. dan air mata sya mengalir lg... huhu2..
ap yg patot sye wat sekrang... teringin pergi jauh..jauh dr de..dari seme org.. Ya Allah..dugaan dr Mu melimpah2..dan aku pasrah dan redha..sesungguhnya ak hambaMu yg lemah... huhu2..
selamat tggal.....@)----
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
patot nye mesti rase happy kan..
sbb bergembira gn teman2..
tp ntah..
cm ade je somthg yg x cukup..
cm ade kosong..
sye x tau nk ckp..
tp pe yg sye tau saya sayang kawan2 sya..
itu jer..
sye nk kwan sye gembira..
kawan sy bahagia..
kwn sye sentiase dimurah rezeki..
riang ketawa bersama2..
tp..adakalanaya perkara yg penting tu..
perkara wajib tu, awk...
awk pandang sebelah mata..
awk x terase ppe ker.?
hmm..cmne sye nk ckp kat de cm2..?
nnt de ckp sye menyibok..
sye nk de fhm bahawa SOLAT penting...
klu tggalkn solat susah rezeki nk masuk..
cne sye nk nk gtau kat de..
sedey sgt..
huhu2.. harap awk fhm isi hati sye..
da sye yakin..awk mesti faham...
Friday, November 12, 2010
What Is Chickenpox?
Chickenpox is caused by a virus called varicella zoster. People who get the virus often develop a rash of spots that look like blisters all over their bodies. The blisters are small and sit on an area of red skin that can be anywhere from the size of a pencil eraser to the size of a dime.
You've probably heard that chickenpox are itchy. It's true. The illness also may come along with a runny nose and cough. But the good news is that chickenpox is a common illness for kids, and most get better by resting just like you do with a cold or the flu.
And the really good news is that, thanks to the chickenpox vaccine, lots of kids don't get chickenpox at all. Kids who do get it after they've gotten the shot often get less severe cases, which means they get better quicker.
How Does Chickenpox Spread?
Chickenpox is contagious, meaning that someone who has it can easily spread it to someone else. Someone who has chickenpox is most contagious during the first 2 to 5 days of being sick. That's usually about 1 to 2 days before the rash shows up. So you could be spreading around chickenpox without even knowing it!
A person who has chickenpox can pass it to someone else by coughing or sneezing. When he or she coughs, sneezes, laughs, and even talks, tiny drops come out of the mouth and nose. These drops are full of the chickenpox virus. It's easy for others to breathe in these drops or get them on their hands. Before you know it, the chickenpox virus has infected someone new.
Itchy-Itchy, Scratchy-Scratchy
If you are that unlucky person, how do you keep your chickenpox from driving you crazy? They itch, but you're not supposed to scratch them.
These tips can help you feel less itchy:
- Keep cool because heat and sweat will make you itch more. You might want to put a cool, wet washcloth on the really bad areas.
- Trim your fingernails, so if you do scratch, you won't tear your skin.
- Soak in a lukewarm bath. Adding some oatmeal to your bath water can help relieve the itching.
- Have your mom or dad help you apply calamine lotion, which soothes itching.
Get a Shot, Avoid the Dots!
Not long ago, 3 million people got chickenpox each year in the United States. But now that kids receive the shot, fewer and fewer people get chickenpox.
Have you had the chickenpox vaccine? You might not remember because it's often given at age 1. But you can get it when you're older, too. Ask your mom or dad if you've had yours. You'll be glad that you did if chickenpox starts making its way around your school!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
mampu kah sye..? nk harung dugaan nim..
sye x larat doh..
huhu2.. sedey nyer jiwa rage sye..
tiap2 dok ginim..
smpi bile harus kne ginim..
sye kne kuat..!! kuat..! ma gn aboh kat rumoh tgh tggu segulung ijazah sarjana..
dr sye.. melambangkan sye da berjaye membuat mereka gembira.. gembira melihat kejayaan ank de...sekaligus mengharumkan nama mereka.. InsyaAllah..
ma aboh..doa kn na.. semoga na kuat...menghadapi dugaan hidup..yg x pnh putus meyapa..
YA ALLAH...Yang Maha Berkuasa..hambaMu ini, insan yg lemah..dengan rendah diri..memohon simpati drMu..bantulah diri ku ini, Ya Allah.. sesungguhnya ak x mampu.. YA Allah..
Sunday, October 10, 2010
jangan tertarik kepada seseorang kerana parasnya,
kerana keelokan parasnya dpt menyesatkan..
jangan pula tertarik kepada kekayaannya,
kerana kekayaan dpt musnah..
tertarikla kpd seseorg yg dpt membuatmu tersenyum
kerana senyuman dpt membuat hari2 mu yg gelap menjadi cerah..=))
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
ini rahsia nyer..
Byk kajian berpendapat minyak ini mengandungi lebih drp 67 kandungan bahan aktif di dalamnya. Bahan-bahan ini dapat membantu menyembuhkan beberapa penyakit yang sering dihadapi oleh manusia.
Habbatussauda ini ialah satu supplement/ubat yg membetulkan perjalanan sistem tubuh seseorang individu itu. Ianya akan membersihkan darah dan menjadikan individu itu lebih bertenaga dan sihat .
Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. bersabda dalam Hadithnya yang dikutip dari kitab Ash Shahihain: “Gunakanlah Habbatus Sauda’ kerana di dalamnya terdapat sejenis ubat dari segala jenis macam penyakit kecuali As Sam (maut)” (HR.Bukhari, Muslim).
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda : ” Tetaplah kamu dengan Habbatus Sauda. Sesungguhnya padanya terdapat ubat bagi segala penyakit, kecuali mati ” ( Hadis riwayat Bukhari ).
Antara bahan-bahan kandungan Habbatus Sauda ialah Fixed Oil (saturated dan unsaturated), Minyak-minyak Asas (sterol, thymohydroquinone, carvone, limonine, cymene), Alkaloids, Saponin dan Asid Amino.
Dalam kitab Al Tibb An-Nabawi (Pengobatan Cara Nabi) yang ditulis Ibnu Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah, Habbatus Sauda’ dikenal juga sebagai Al Habbah Al Barokah. Dalam kitab tersebut disebutkan bahwa Habbatus Sauda’ dapat mengubati 50 macam penyakit tanpa efek.
Suatu ulasan ilmu kedoktoran menampilkan bahawa kandungan Habbatus Sauda antara lain:
* Antiinflamasi, mengubati perih/radang tenggorokan.
* Antiarthritis, mengubati reumatik.
* Analgesik, mengubati sakit gigi dan sakit kepala (migrain).
* Aktivitas hormon, mengatur haid dan meningkatkan aliran susu.
* Antiseptik, mengubati bau mulut.
* Antivirus, mengubati demam dan flu.
* Dermatologi, mengubati jerawat dan eksim.
* Urinary tract, mengubati saluran kemih dan batu ginjal.
* Sistem kekebalan, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh untuk menangkal penyakit.
* Gastrointestinal tract, mengubati mabuk, diare, kejang konstipasi, dan empedu.
* Sistem sirkulasi, meningkatkan kinerja jantung.
* Nematocidal, mengubati cacing pita.
* Respiratory tract, mengubati sesak nafas (asma).
Monday, October 4, 2010
hahaaa2... mlm nim tetibe ak nk kongsi something...
ade kawan kpd housemate aku nim..
de cm pandai2 jer tafsir..
pastu ak mintak la de tafsir aku skali psl jodoh.. ahak2..
mamat nim ckp kn..
aku da ade, tp ak x sedar sape budak tu..
dan budak tu mesti la bukan seusia atau muda dr umo aku..
lebih tua dr aku, dan berfikiran matang...
"erm~..cner gn mamat yg aku minat nim..?" ak try2 nk soal siasat..
de ckp x yh layan perasaan tu sgt...mamat yg ak minat nim tersgt2 ego..
jgn tergedik2 tunjuk sgt yg ak minat kt mamat nim..
so, sblm ape berlaku baik fikir dlu..nampak je ok, tp kemudian hari nnt x tau..
masing2 nk beto kn diri snediri...
erm..beto ker, DIA terlalu EGO..?
EgO kah..???
hahahaa2...lelaki knp ade EgO..?
rase2 cm best ker ade EG0..?
aku pom x fhm la..EGoIS..!!! ahak2..
ermmm..ps ak kne soal2, basuh2.. ntah..!
x tau nk ckp pe..
pasrah jer..
tp yg pasti..Jodoh itu Urusan Allah S.W.T..
Dia Yang Maha Mengetahui setiap ciptaanNya..
yg penting ak nk kejar cita2 n mase depan ak dlu..
x kira la ade jodoh ke xde..xperlu risau, kn kita dicipta dgn pasangan masing2..
cme kita blom tau g sape pasangan kita..
beto x kwn2..? hehe2..
pape ak hepy gn life aku sekarang...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
~..TAHU X..??..~
nk mintak tolong...
de sape2 tau x..?
cmne nk g 2 tempat nim klu dr parit raje...?
dh search kat google map..
tapi masih kabur2..
beto2 x tau cne nk g sne...
plz.. balas ASAP..!!
sekian, terim kasih..=))
2) Sawah Sagil di Ayer Hitam
is a cuisine originated from Johor. It differs from Laksa Penang by having coconut milk added during cooking. It also differs from other laksas by using spagetti instead of rice-based noodles.
Mee Bandung Muar
is also a dish originated from Johor, specifically from Muar. The term 'bandung' is not derived from Bandung, Indonesia but is a term for anything that is mixed from many ingredients. One of the most important ingredient is dried shrimp.
Penganan Kacau keledek
is a dessert normally reserved for the Johor monarch and elites. It is made from sweet potatoes, a lot of eggs (at least 40), fresh coconut milk (not instant ones) and huge amounts of sugar. It is mixed together and stirred on a simmering heat for at least 4 hours.
Mee rebus
is the famous noodle dish which consists of Mee (a spaghetti like mixture of flour, salt and egg) and is served with a tangy, spicy brown sauce. Usually crumbs and boiled eggs are added.
A unique chicken dish that is very rare nowadays, and is normally served to the royalties and social elites of Johor at formal functions and celebrations.
is a popular food in Malaysia. Made from marinated meat or chicken and burnt on charcoal grill. Cooked satay is dipped in special peanut sauce. A favourite Malay food in Johor, mostly found in Johor Bahru and Muar.
Telur pindang
Eggs boiled together with herbs and spices, popular during wedding feasts in Johor.
Roti Jala or Roti Kirai(Wendy Li)
The name is derived from the Malay word 'roti' (bread) and 'jala' (net). A special ladle with a five-hole perforation used to make the bread looks like a fish net (picture in the works). It is usually eaten spicy with curry or sweet with 'serawa'. Serawa is made from a mixture of boiled coconut milk, brown sugar and pandan leaf.
Nasi Beriani Gam
A briyani rice dish originating from India with a cooking method very similar to Hyerabad biryani but with spices adjusted to suit the Malay palate. This dish is very popular in Batu Pahat District.
Ikan masak asam pedas
A sour stew of fish (usually mackerel), tamarind, chili, tomatoes, okra and Vietnamese coriander (Malay: daun kesum)
Kacang Pol
This dish is influenced by Arab Culture where special baked bread was served with special sauce and a 'sunny side up' egg.
Pisang Salai or Gimpi
smoked banana cooked into perfection
Steamed/Grilled fish cake usually served wrapped in sticks of coconut leaves. Two of the most popular varieties are Otak-otak Muar (spicy) and Otak-otak Gelang Patah (sweet).
Mee Soto
This Indonesian origin food is very popular in Johor. People may have change noodles with rice or vermicelli rice according to their preference. Combination of either noodle, rice or vermicelli rice is added with peanut, beansprout and chicken meat. These combination then is poured with special soup. This soup was made from chicken stock and some other spice. Enjoy it while its hot.
Mee Bakso
This is almost identical with soto, only this dish have meatball instead of slices of chicken meat.
Dish using combination of pressed rice and special coconut soup with vegetables. Served with boiled egg and chili.
It is a type of Buginese food.
Halwa Maskat
This dessert type food may be originated from muscat, Oman.
Kerutup ikan
Fish is steamed with variety of local fragrant leaves.
It is a Javanese traditional cuisine which consists of long beans, slice of cucumber, beansprout, tauhu, tempe mix with special peanut sauce.
Tauhu bakar
it is made from soybean where it is burnt on a grill and cut into cubes and dip with special sauce.
Pendaram Mee Siput
It is a mixture of flour that will expand in term of size when deep fried.
Rojak Petis
It is a combination of local vegetables mix with special black colored sauce made mostly from shrimp(Otak Udang).
ABC is abbreviation of 'Air Batu Campur' or known as Ice Kacang Johor. It is a special desserts created from shaved ice added with corn, jelly, redbeans, groundnut, syrup, pasteurized milk, and liquid chocolate.